Inc. began business in January of 1990. Founded by Jeff Stewart and Bob Bruss, Pro-Drafting Inc. has grown into an 8 person drafting service (5 detailers and 3 checkers).
All projects are detailed at Pro-Drafting’s office located in Oconto, WI.
We use Design Data’s SDS/2 software program, which gives us three dimensional
modeling capabilities. This allows us the ability to give our customers quality erection plans, details, CNC downloads, Advanced Bill of Material lists, reports that include – material,
submaterial & field bolts. Drawings can be transmitted electronically through our FTP site or conventional hard copy.
We are able to detail projects from 10 ton to 4000 ton of structural and miscellaneous steel. We specialize in structural projects which include paper mills, hospitals and petrochemical
along with
the grain and mining industries.
With over 150 years of combined experience, our goal is to provide
on-time and accurate drawings to our customers.